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BUSiNESS IMPULZ = growing with entrepreneurial power


"Experience in multinationals, SMEs and as an entrepreneur"

Business Impulz is an activity of Jeroen van der Vossen.


After studying Business Economics at the University of Tilburg and the University of Memphis, he worked for over 15 years in various Marketing - Sales - General Management positions for multinationals in FMCG/Lifestyle products: Hero, Pernod Ricard, LVMH/Guerlain.


In 2011 decided to work as General Manager at Leijtens Perfumes to gain experience within a medium-sized family business. Here also the decision was made to become an entrepreneur.


In 2013 founded BEAUTY-MONITOR.COM, Online Beauty-Market Intelligence. In 2014 followed by BEAUTY-IMPORT.NL, distributor of innovative beauty brands in the Benelux. BEAUTY-IMPORT.NL is by now an established name in the professional salon and online beauty market, with more than 200 salons as clients.

"Steering on content - Team player with feet on the ground - Don't dream, take action!

Jeroen is able to set the course and then translate this into marketing/sales/business plans. His broad experience ensures that the implementation takes place in a substantive way.
He leads teams with enthusiasm, integrity and results. In this way, he quickly gains people's trust. He easily works together with people from different backgrounds/levels. He is down-to-earth and has his feet firmly on the ground.
He does all this with the view and attitude of an entrepreneur, who has his own feet in the mud. Key words in his approach are: Guts, drive, dare to experiment and persevere. Don't dream, take action!

"Don't dream, take action!"

The definition of entrepreneurship according to van Dale:

1. take up
start do; = execute: action take action